Petikan buku Atkins:
Jika Anda telah belajar bagaimana untuk mengira kalori, tetapi akhirnya tanpa
kejayaan. Walaupun anda hilang berat badan, anda sering lapar, Kemudian apabila
anda kembali kepada cara lama anda makan, mereka masuk berat naik semua, selalunya bertambah oleh beberapa lagi.
senario ini kedengaran terlalu biasa, saya mempunyai satu penyelesaian yang akan membantu menamatkan permainan yo-yo berdiet sekali dan untuk selamanya. Sebaliknya, saya akan membantu anda mengamalkan cara yang tetap makan, iaitu:
• membolehkan anda menurunkan berat badan tanpa mengira kalori.
• menjadikan anda rasa dan kelihatan lebih baik.
• memberi tenaga semula secara semula jadi anda.
• berat hilang selama-lamanya, pendekatan pemakanan baru yang lazat & mewah.
Atkins berfungsi kerana ia mensasarkan lemak badan kita disimpan. Lemak tidak ada hanya untuk membuat berat badan berlebihan tetapi adalah sistem back-up badan kita untuk bahan api untuk menjana tenaga. Jika kita mengambil ia keluar dari kedudukan back-up dan menukar badan kita untuk menggunakannya sebagai sumber bahan api utama, hasilnya adalah
penurunan berat badan yang amat berkesan. Keadaan ini berlaku apabila kita mengurangkan karbohidrat,iaitu bahan api utama badan kita, boleh didapati. Dan ia mudah
Pendekatan pemakanan Atkins boleh memberi kesan positif kepada kehidupan orang yang menghadapi risiko faktor-faktor yang berkaitan dengan kencing manis, penyakit jantung, dan tekanan darah tinggi. Ia juga boleh mengurangkan masalah gastrousus, dan alahan tertentu, sakit kronik dan sistem imun kelemahan.
* Pada kebanyakan diet anda akan berlapar. Program diet atkins ini membuat anda merasa lebih kenyang dan puas.
• Pada kebanyakan diet anda akan mengira kalori. Apabila anda melakukan Atkins anda TIDAK PERLU MENGIRA KALORI.
• Pada kebanyakan diet anda tidak akan berhenti ketagihan makanan karbohidrat tinggi. Apabila anda melakukan Atkins, anda dengan cepat akan belajar bagaimana untuk mengatasi ketagihan itu.
• Pada kebanyakan diet anda tidak akan belajar mengekalkan berat badan seumur hidup . Atkins akan mengajar anda cara mengekalkan berat badan setelah anda kurus.
Seseorang yang mengikut menu tipikal dan makan makanan
mengandungi hanya 20 gram karbohidrat(induction) kebawah disyorkan
Mengambil multivitamin dan mineral.
• Adalah tidak benar bahawa satu-satunya cara untuk mengurangkan berat badan ialah menghadkan pengambilan kalori.
• Apabila anda mengawal penggunaan karbohidrat secukupnya, badan anda akan menukar dari membakar
glukosa yang berasal dari karbohidrat, kepada membakar lemak sebagai sumber tenaga.
• Anda membakar lebih banyak kalori apabila badan anda beroperasi pada metabolisme lemak.
• Atkins terbukti membuang lebih banyak lemak daripada lain-lain program penurunan berat badan
Walaupun sama jumlah kalori dimakan.
• Dengan secara drastik meningkatkan pengambilan karbohidrat, kegemukkan telah berubah secara mendadak sejak tempoh enam puluh tahun yang lalu.
• Dalam masa dua puluh tahun, kejadian penyakit berkaitan dengan gaya hidup seperti obesiti,
kencing manis dan penyakit jantung telah meningkat dengan pesat.
Page 27
Is it true that the Atkins Nutritional Approach is really just another low-calorie diet?
Some people think this, but it's not true. Atkins isn't about counting calories. Those who are
doing Atkins may be eating fewer calories as a result of being less hungry and less obsessed with
This occurs for two reasons:
1. Stable blood sugar throughout the day ensures that you will have fewer food cravings or
false hunger pains.
2. The food eaten by a person doing Atkins (meat, fish, cheese, nuts, eggs, low-sugar/lowstarch vegetables and fruit) is less processed and more nutritious than the typical preAtkins menu. Give a body fewer empty calories, provide it with more nutrient-dense
alternatives, and the body will logically be satisfied sooner and require less food.
• Eliminate from your kitchen sugar and all products that contain sugar.
• When grocery shopping, stick to the aisles on the perimeters of the store. The center
aisles are where the junk food and processed food lurk.
• Look for-and purchase-the ever-increasing selection of controlled carbohydrate food
alternatives to low-fat, high-sugar foods.
• Use a carbohydrate gram counter-such as the one bound into this book-to count carbs.
• Even if you are not trying to lose weight, avoid the typical high-carb breakfast choices
such as toast, muffins, bagels and cereal.
• Excess weight around your waist is often the first sign that your body is not metabolizing
sugar properly.
• Try not eating your favorite food for a week and see if you notice any changes in how
you feel.
• Don't ever go more than six hours without having a meal or protein-rich snack
A Host of Other Health Issues
Here are some further reasons why high insulin levels can lead to big problems:
• Insulin increases salt and water retention, a recipe for high blood pressure.
• Insulin is directly involved in creating atherosclerotic plaques, which, if not controlled,
can lead to heart disease.
• High insulin levels have been shown to correlate with high levels of triglycerides and low
levels of "good" HDL cholesterol.
• High insulin levels correlate with increased risk of breast cancer and polycystic ovarian
syndrome. (Conversely, the lower the levels of insulin, the better the survival rates for
breast cancer.)
Obesity increases insulin resistance. This means that you can sharply reduce your risk of
blood-sugar disorders-and by extension, heart disease and other ailments-by simply keeping your weight down and controlling carbohydrate intake. Even if you have a hereditary predisposition to
diabetes, you may be able to stall or completely avoid its onset.
• Insulin ialah hormon yang mengangkut glukosa daripada darah anda untuk sel-sel anda, di mana ia boleh ditukar kepada tenaga. Hati akan menukar glukosa berlebihan kepada glikogen yang disimpan
dalam hati dan otot untuk tambahan tenaga boleh diakses.
• Baki glukosa akan ditukar kepada lemak dan disimpan di seluruh badan.
• Satu kitaran berterusan berlebihan, berlebihan glukosa darah dan insulin berlebihan akhirnya menyebabkan hyperinsulinism dan akhirnya diabetes.
• Hyperinsulinism menjadikan sukar bagi ramai orang untuk mengurangkan berat badan.
• Atkins boleh menstabilkan pengeluaran insulin untuk membuat ia lebih mudah untuk mengurangkan berat badan.
• Tahap trigliserida dalam darah adalah satu faktor risiko yang telah terbukti untuk penyakit jantung dan
• Atkins boleh mengurangkan risiko darah-gula gangguan dan secara lanjutan, jantung
penyakit dan penyakit serius yang lain.
Bolehkah saya menguruskan insulin saya dan gula darah tanpa makan banyak lemak?
Tidak, kerana apabila anda memotong keluar lemak, apa yang tinggal adalah protein dan karbohidrat, kedua-duanya boleh
menghasilkan tindak balas gula darah. Lemak adalah satu-satunya bahan yang tidak akan memberi kesan kepada anda
gula dalam darah. Ia juga menyediakan asid lemak penting yang anda tidak boleh dapat daripada protein atau karbohidrat.
Lemak boleh jadi sesuatu yang baik untuk anda.
• All fruits, vegetables, grains and starches contain carbohydrates.
• The more carbohydrate an individual consumes, the less body fat he or she will lose.
That's why low-fat diets usually don't work.
• All carbohydrates are not created equal.
• The glycemic index measures the relative rate at which glucose enters the blood
stream after a specific carbohydrate food is eaten.
• Low-glycemic vegetables contain relatively less sugar.
• Choosing foods that are low in carb grams, have a low glycemic index value and are
high in antioxidants is your passport to weight loss, increased energy and improved
overall health
Fallacy #2: The Atkins Nutritional Approach is only effective for weight loss because calories are restricted.
Fact: While some people who follow the Atkins Nutritional Approach may eat fewer calories
than before, it certainly is not because the program limits calorie intake. People doing Atkins
may end up eating fewer calories because they are generally less hungry and no longer
obsessed with food. This occurs for two reasons:
1. Stable blood sugar throughout the day ensures that you will have fewer food cravings and
false hunger pains.
2. The food eaten by a person doing Atkins (meat, fish, cheese, nuts, eggs, and lowsugar/low-starch vegetables and fruit) is less processed and more nutritious than that on
the typical pre-Atkins menu. Give a body fewer empty calories, provide it with more
nutrient-dense alternatives and it will logically be satisfied sooner and require less food.
Let's look at the results of the study mentioned in Chapter 7 that supports these
conclusions. Researchers at New York's Schneider Children's Hospital studied forty
obese patients, ages 12 to 18, who were split into two groups. We already mentioned that
the low-fat group lost half as much weight on 1,100 calories per day as did the controlled
carbohydrate group, which was allowed unlimited calories and, on average, ate 1,830
calories per day.
What's even more exciting is that the controlled carbohydrate group enjoyed further
health benefits-far from suffering the dangers some warn of with the controlled
carbohydrate nutritional approach. Lipid profiles (cholesterol and triglycerides) improved
more than those on the low-fat program.
Also, those on the controlled carbohydrate diet showed better long-term compliance
than those on the low-fat diet. A year later, seven out of eight of those following the
controlled carbohydrate approach were still involved with the program as opposed to
none on the low-fat diet
Fakta & Auta
Fallacy #2: The Atkins Nutritional Approach is only effective for weight loss because calories are restricted.
Fact: While some people who follow the Atkins Nutritional Approach may eat fewer calories than before, it certainly is not because the program limits calorie intake.
People doing Atkins
may end up eating fewer calories because they are generally less hungry and no longer obsessed with food. This occurs for two reasons:
1. Stable blood sugar throughout the day ensures that you will have fewer food cravings and
false hunger pains.
2. The food eaten by a person doing Atkins (meat, fish, cheese, nuts, eggs, and lowsugar/low-starch vegetables and fruit) is less processed and more nutritious than that on
the typical pre-Atkins menu. Give a body fewer empty calories, provide it with more
nutrient-dense alternatives and it will logically be satisfied sooner and require less food.
Let's look at the results of the study mentioned in Chapter 7 that supports these
conclusions. Researchers at New York's Schneider Children's Hospital studied forty
obese patients, ages 12 to 18, who were split into two groups. We already mentioned that
the low-fat group lost half as much weight on 1,100 calories per day as did the controlled
carbohydrate group, which was allowed unlimited calories and, on average, ate 1,830
calories per day.
What's even more exciting is that the controlled carbohydrate group enjoyed further
health benefits-far from suffering the dangers some warn of with the controlled
carbohydrate nutritional approach. Lipid profiles (cholesterol and triglycerides) improved
more than those on the low-fat program.
Also, those on the controlled carbohydrate diet showed better long-term compliance
than those on the low-fat diet. A year later, seven out of eight of those following the
controlled carbohydrate approach were still involved with the program as opposed to none on the low-fat diet.
Anggapan yang salah # 3: bila atkins Berat hilang kebanyakannya air, bukan lemak.
Fakta: Ia adalah biasa mana-mana pelan penurunan berat badan, termasuk fasa Induksi Atkins, yang
semasa beberapa hari pertama, atau minggu pertama, beberapa penurunan berat badan akan kehilangan air. Walau bagaimanapun, apabila badan anda beralih daripada membakar karbohidrat kepada membakar lemak yang disimpan sebagai sumber tenaga, mengakibatkan kehilangan lemak yang disimpan dalam badan.
Malah, penyelidikan menunjukkan bahawa walaupun air hilang semasa beberapa hari pertama, keseimbangan air tidak lama lagi kembali seperti biasa, kehilangan berat akan datang dari pembakaran lemak badan untuk tenaga. Tanda yang paling dramatik kehilangan ini adalah melihat inci menurunkan ukuran anda.
Anggapan yang salah # 5: Orang melakukan Atkins mungkin berasa letih, lemah dan kekurangan tenaga.
Fakta: Keletihan mungkin berlaku semasa beberapa hari pertama menjalankan Atkins, sementara badan menyesuaikan diri kepada
suis dalam laluan metabolik. Ia biasanya mengambil masa kira-kira tiga hingga empat hari untuk badan untuk
menukar daripada metabolisme gula untuk metabolisme yang terutamanya lemak. Badan anda boleh menyimpan
karbohidrat hanya sehingga empat puluh lapan jam, jadi anda boleh yakin bahawa metabolisme anda
suis akan berlaku, selagi anda lakukan Atkins dengan betul.
Selepas peralihan, mereka orang-orang yang letih pada pertama biasanya melaporkan tenaga yang tinggi dan membersihkan berfikir sepanjang hari. Penjelasan adalah mudah: Mereka telah diimbangi semula nutrisi mereka supaya gula darah mereka adalah stabil.
Fallacy #6: You eat too much protein when doing Atkins, which is bad for the kidneys.
Fact: Too many people believe this untruth simply because it has been repeated so often that
even intelligent health professionals assume it must have been reported somewhere. But the
fact is that it has never been reported anywhere. I have yet to see someone produce a study
for me to review, or even cite a specific case in which a protein-containing diet causes any
form of kidney disorder.
The only remotely related phenomenon is the fact that when someone is already suffering
from far-advanced kidney disease, it is difficult for that person's body to handle protein. But
protein has nothing to do with the cause of the kidney problem
1. Eat either three regular-size meals a day or four or five smaller meals. Do not skip meals
or go more than six waking hours without eating.
2. Eat liberally of combinations of fat and protein in the form of poultry, fish, shellfish, eggs
and red meat, as well as of pure, natural fat in the form of butter, mayonnaise, olive oil,
safflower, sunflower and other vegetable oils (preferably expeller-pressed or coldpressed).
3. Eat no more than 20 grams a day of carbohydrate, most of which must come in the form
of salad greens and other vegetables. You can eat approximately three cups-loosely
packed-of salad, or two cups of salad plus one cup of other vegetables (see the list of
acceptable vegetables on pages 125-126).
4. Eat absolutely no fruit, bread, pasta, grains, starchy vegetables or dairy products other
than cheese, cream or butter. Do not eat nuts or seeds in the first two weeks. Foods that
combine protein and carbohydrates, such as chickpeas, kidney beans and other legumes,
are not permitted at this time.
5. Eat nothing that is not on the acceptable foods list. And that means absolutely nothing!
Your "just this one taste won't hurt" rationalization is the kiss of failure during this phase
of Atkins.
6. Adjust the quantity you eat to suit your appetite, especially as it decreases. When hungry,
eat the amount that makes you feel satisfied but not stuffed. When not hungry, eat a small
controlled carbohydrate snack to accompany your nutritional supplements.
7. Don't assume any food is low in carbohydrate-instead read labels! Check the carb count
(it's on every package) or use the carbohydrate gram counter in this book.
8. Eat out as often as you wish but be on guard for hidden carbs in gravies, sauces and
dressings. Gravy is often made with flour or cornstarch, and sugar is sometimes an
ingredient in salad dressing.
9. Avoid foods or drinks sweetened with aspartame. Instead, use sucralose or saccharin. Be
sure to count each packet of any of these as 1 gram of carbs.
10. Avoid coffee, tea and soft drinks that contain caffeine. Excessive caffeine has been
shown to cause low blood sugar, which can make you crave sugar.
11. Drink at least eight 8-ounce glasses of water each day to hydrate your body, avoid
constipation and flush out the by-products of burning fat.
12. If you are constipated, mix a tablespoon or more of psyllium husks in a cup or more of
water and drink daily. Or mix ground flaxseed into a shake or sprinkle wheat bran on a
salad or vegetables.
Here are five common pitfalls to avoid:
1. During Induction you must not eat any fruit, bread, grains, starchy vegetables or dairy products
other than cheese, cream or butter.
2. Stay away from diet products unless they specifically state "no carbohydrates." Most such foods
are for low-fat diets, not controlled carbohydrate plans.
3. The words sugarless, sugar free or no sugar added are not sufficient. The label must state the
carbohydrate content; that's what you must go by.
4. Many products you do not normally think of as foods, such as chewing gum, breath mints, cough
syrups and cough drops, are filled with sugar or other caloric sweeteners. They must be avoided.
5. Be wary of prepared salads at salad bars or deli counters. For example, cole slaw or even tuna fish
salad may have been prepared with sugar.
• Induction lasts a minimum of fourteen days but can be safely followed much longer.
• After two weeks doing Induction, most people begin to feel dramatically better.
• Symptoms such as difficulty sleeping, aches and pains and general malaise are often
related to excess weight and blood-sugar stress.
• Have a small controlled carbohydrate snack high in fat or protein if you are hungry
between meals.
• Don't include decaf coffee or tea or other beverages as part of your daily water intake.
• Potassium, magnesium and calcium supplements will help prevent leg cramps.
• Wait at least six weeks to repeat your blood work
Untuk yang dah kurus je la
How to Do Pre-Maintenance
When you were doing OWL, you learned how to increase your carb intake in increments of 5
grams. In this phase, you can shift into a higher gear: Increase your daily carb count by 10 grams
each week so long as you continue to lose. (See "The Power of Ten" on pages 201-203 and refer
to the carbohydrate gram counter in this book.) If you introduce new foods slowly and increase
your grams of carbs gradually, your CCLL should increase gradually. This new and higher
CCLL will reflect the fact that you are now losing weight more slowly.
As you continue to make 10-gram incremental additions, you will rather quickly reach a point
at which you will find that you are no longer losing. If you are at your goal weight, stay at that
level for a month or so before you increase your daily carb consumption by another 10 grams to
see if you can consume that level without gaining. Once you do begin to gain, drop back 10
grams and you should have established your Critical Carbohydrate Level for Maintenance
On the other hand, if after an incremental increase you find that you are gaining or are not
losing and you are not yet at your goal weight, you need to back down to the previous level. The
line between gaining, maintaining and losing is a thin one and you may have to "play" with your
CCLL and CCLM for a while to understand what your body can handle.
While it may take as long as three months to drop the last few pounds and clearly establish
your CCLM, I reiterate: This leisurely pace is critical to your ultimate success. Continue to add
new foods slowly and carefully so you'll be learning good eating habits at the same time. For
example, you'll discover whether your metabolism can handle wholegrain bread, legumes,
starchy vegetables and other potential "trouble" foods. (People with extremely low carb
tolerance-meaning high metabolic resistance-won't be able to add many new foods and will find
Pre-Maintenance similar to OWL or even Induction.)
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