Rabu, 27 November 2013

Fungsi pada suunto M4 / heart rate watch - Suunto M4 review.

jam akan cadangkan kita hari2 bersenam, so ni dia bagitau hari ni rest day, tak payah senam.
ini jadual yg jam ni bagi..utk sesi senaman seminggu.. bermula hari rabu, khamis, jumaat dan seterusnya..
lagi tinggi graph tu..lagi tinggi heart rate kita kena capai waktu senam, jam akan berbunyi menandakan kita dah sampai pada heart rate yg dikehendaki jam.
ini pula masa senaman yg disuggestkan oleh jam, maknanya kita kena bersenam 3 jam 30 minit dalam masa seminggu..
jam ni akan bagi tahu bila perlu senaman, seperti contoh diatas. hard = heart rate tinggi selama 50 minit.

boleh key in berat & tinggi, jam akan calculate berat yg sesuai utk kita..
69.6kg tu berat skrg, jam suruh maintain diantara 53.4kg hingga 72kg , jgn lebih jgn kurang.
yang ni pula bmi kita..

dia suruh turunkan berat jadi 69 kg dalam masa jangkaan 3 minggu..


maknanya 25kali senaman aku dah buat, dan total masa senam 73jam.

29462 kalori yang aku dah bakar dalam masa sebulan.

dia bagi tau target yg dia bagi kita dah tercapai atau belum. utk 7 hari

dia bagi tau target yg dia bagi kita dah tercapai atau belum. utk sebulan



175% iaitu 75% melebihi masa yg jam ni dah tetapkan

jumlah masa senaman 

kalori yang dibakar selepas senam

purata heart rate selepas senam

heart rate paling tinggi ketika senaman

kelebihan suunto
1. heart rate belt nipis, letak kat dada tak nampak sgt.
2. ada suggestion hari & berapa lama masa bersenam & rest, macam personal trainer la kan..
3. dia akan bg kita lingkungan heart rate yg perlu kita capai semasa latihan...contoh 147-157. (tiada heart rate zone yg kita boleh set sendiri)

1. mahal, kih kih kih..rm550.
2. senang calar, plastik

kesimpulannya...aku tak ikut pun suggestion yg jam ni bagi & suruh buat,(sbb masuk marathon, ahad selalu run, kadang jadual yg jam bg tak sesuai dgn jadual rest day utk marahon aku masuk)
aku guna utk tgk kalori yg aku dah bakar je...so sebelum beli..fikir2kan...nampak mcm byk fungsi..
tapi kalau kita tak guna, baik kita beli jam yg murah je(xdela murah sgt).

kalau aku diberi pilihan kali ke dua, aku akan pilih , cukup yg ada heart rate zone & kalori. maybe brand polar.

penting atau tidak?
1. for motivation...kita nampak hasil(kalori) apa yg kita buat.
2. boleh tahu fitness level kita
3. kita boleh target heart rate zone yang kita nak..sbb setiap heart rate zone ada fungsinya..

Cara kira maximum heart rate.
220 - umur = max heart rate. so sesuaikan dengan % heart rate yang anda mahu ketika bersenam, rujukkan seperti dibawah.


Healthy Heart Zone (Warm up) --- 50 - 60% of maximum heart rate: The easiest zone and probably the best zone for people just starting a fitness program. It can also be used as a warm up for more serious walkers. This zone has been shown to help decrease body fat, blood pressure and cholesterol. It also decreases the risk of degenerative diseases and has a low risk of injury. 85% of calories burned in this zone are fats!

Fitness Zone (Fat Burning) --- 60 - 70% of maximum heart rate: This zone provides the same benefits as the healthy heart zone, but is more intense and burns more total calories. The percent of fat calories is still 85%.

Aerobic Zone (Endurance Training) --- 70 - 80% of maximum heart rate: The aerobic zone will improve your cardiovascular and respiratory system AND increase the size and strength of your heart. This is the preferred zone if you are training for an endurance event. More calories are burned with 50% from fat.

Anaerobic Zone (Performance Training) --- 80 - 90% of maximum heart rate: Benefits of this zone include an improved VO2 maximum (the highest amount of oxygen one can consume during exercise) and thus an improved cardiorespiratory system, and a higher lactate tolerance ability which means your endurance will improve and you'll be able to fight fatigue better. This is a high intensity zone burning more calories, 15 % from fat.

Red Line (Maximum Effort) --- 90 - 100% of maximum heart rate: Although this zone burns the highest number of calories, it is very intense. Most people can only stay in this zone for short periods. You should only train in this zone if you are in very good shape and have been cleared by a physician to do so.

Give Your Metabolism a Boost on the Big Day

Give Your Metabolism a Boost on the Big Day

Obviously burning some extra calories on the big day will help balance out a little bit of overindulgence, but it's a busy time of year and you might not have as long to workout as you would like. Here are some tips to maximize the effects of the time you have.
Timing Matters
Studies have shown that working out in the morning on an empty stomach burns more fat and improves your insulin sensitivity throughout the day. This is another way to help your body process the carbs you eat more easily so you'll store less fat.
Quick and Intense Better Than Slow and Steady
High Intensity Interval Training has been shown to be more effective at burning fat and improving overall fitness than longer duration, steady-state workouts. This means a quick and intense workout may not rack up has many calories during the workout as a longer session, but your body will burn more fat throughout the day (even while resting).
Move Some Weight
Another way to improve your insulin sensitivity is to do resistance training. Whether you're doing body weight exercises or lifting weights, your body is more efficient at processing sugar after your workout. The more easily your body can process carbs, the less fat it will store.
If you're short on time and looking for an intense weight training workout, check out 7 Minute Workout or our Easy apps. They have just the right prescription to give your metabolism the proper boost. Of course, if you have the time and want to burn more, we've got the tools for you too.

Go Low Carb

Go Low Carb
To lose weight, you need to reduce your calories, but the point of this tip isn't to lose weight before a big holiday meal, it's to prepare your body's enzymes so you don't gain weight as easily.

It's considered a low carb diet when you consume less than 30 grams of carbs a day. When you change to a low carb diet, your body needs to switch its carb-processing enzymes to fat-processing enzymes. This process takes about 3-5 days. Once your body has made the switch, it becomes less proficient at processing carbs into stored fat. So when you eat a big carb-laden meal, your body just burns off the carbs to get rid of them rather than store them (you'll feel hot, but you won't store that unwanted fat).

Switch to a low carb diet about 3-5 days before your big holiday-get together and it will set your body up for less storage.

Isnin, 18 November 2013

pertama kali lari sejauh 42km - jambatan pulau pinang

kisah pertama kali buat full marathon 42km..di jambatan penang, bermula km pertama hingga ke 25 tak ada sebarang masalah, lari atas jambatan pun sgt happy, selepas km ke 25.. kaki dah mula sakit2, turun dr jambatan, lebih kurang 15 terakhir, jalan sgt2 mental, kasut pun dah basah, jari kaki sampai dah xde deria rasa..melecet..lari gak..just fikir utk buat yg terbaik!..kadang2 krem..tp try push juga untuk lari,bila aku rasa dah teruk, aku stop 5 saat utk streching, dan sambung lari, aku memang tak nak berjalan, utk kali pertama ni kami target dpt buat bawah 6jam, syukur sgt dpt buat 5hour 14min, bangga dgn diri sendiri...sedih terharu woo..masa gemuk xpernah terfikir nak lari 42km nonstop..minit2 terakhir sebak mengenangkan apa yg aku dpt buat skrg. setelah acara tamat, aku tgk peserta 42km semua jalan kengkang..termasukla aku..he he he.
pengalaman & sejarah hidup ku!

Selasa, 12 November 2013

alasan kukuh kenapa aku masih bersenam walaupun dah kurus

biar gambar berbicara, pic kiri selepas diet, kanan pic terbaru..masih dpt proses

Jumaat, 8 November 2013

Tips for Sharp Abs

We've given you more than a few solid ab routines to help get your midsection looking sharp over the years. Now, here are seven tips to make sure you don’t inadvertently become your abs worst enemy:

1) Don't Eat Fast-Digesting Carbohydrates

Fast carbs spike insulin, which halts fat-burning and boosts fat storage, particularly on top of your abs. Carbs to avoid are white bread, white potatoes, regular sodas, sports drinks, table sugar, etc. Instead, choose whole-wheat, rye or sourdough breads, oatmeal, sweet potatoes, fruits, vegetables, quinoa, legumes and brown rice. One exception here: You can eat fast-digesting carbs right after workouts when they’ll be put to work boosting muscle recovery and growth. 

2) Don't Neglect Isometrics

More formally known as the Weider Iso-Tension Principle, this means flexing a bodypart, such as the abs, and holding that position (much like bodybuilders do when posing). To do this, tense each muscle for 6–10 seconds, then relax for 6–10 seconds. Repeat for 10–20 sets. This is a great way to hit your abs while sitting in your car, on your couch or at your desk.

3) Don't Forget About Your Breathing

When you perform an ab exercise such as the crunch, exhale when you reach the finish or top position. This is important because it helps you better contract your abs. Holding the position for a second or two will maximize muscle-fiber involvement.

4) Don't Stop

You typically train in specific rep ranges, such as 8–10 or 12–15 reps per set. Yet when doing bodyweight ab exercises, you can’t alter the weight to match a predetermined number of reps. Therefore, rather than doing crunches or hanging leg raises for a set number of reps, do as many reps as possible until you come close to failure.

5) Don't Forget to Weight

Many guys worry that if they do weighted ab exercises, their abs will become thick and blocky. Yet abs are muscles just like biceps, so they need definition 
and separation to stand out. Do some weighted movements in the 8–10-rep range for optimal ab development.

6) Don't Do Abs First

Some trainers recommend that you begin your workout with ab training to make sure you don’t skip it. We disagree. A recent study by the Weider Research Group found that when trained lifters did abs before legs in a squat workout, they completed fewer reps of squats than when they trained abs after the squat workout. This is because the abs, obliques and transverse abdominis work together to stabilize the core, which allows you to produce greater force. Training abs first fatigues them, which lessens your core stability and weakens your base, as well as your ability to generate force.

7) Don't Always Train Abs at the Same Speed

Regular readers are well aware that m&f recommends changing up your rep speed from slow and controlled to fast and explosive, allowing you to utilize more fast-twitch muscle fibers to build more power, strength and size. According to new research from Spain, scientists tested the muscle activity of subjects’ rectus abdominis, external and internal obliques, and spinal erectors while they did crunches at rep speeds of four seconds, two seconds, 1.5 seconds, one second or as fast as possible. They reported in a 2008 issue of the Journal of Strength & Conditioning Research that as the rep speed increased, so did the activity of all four muscles. The greatest boost occurred in subjects’ external obliques, which were hardly involved in the crunch at slower speeds but increased by more than six times at the fastest speed. So don’t fail to vary your rep speed. The fast reps will help recruit more muscle fibers in the midsection and turn the crunch, which targets the rectus abdominis, into an effective oblique exercise.

Crunches & sit-ups tidak berkesan

Crunches and sit-ups don’t work

The most obvious methods people try to remove belly fat are crunches and sit-ups. The thinking goes that exercise burns calories, so to remove fat in a particular area of the body, you exercise that area. However, this is not how it works. Of course, exercise burns calories, but it does so evenly, around the whole body. By doing an excessive amount of crunches and sit-ups, you may reduce your belly fat, but by no greater amount than the fat in other areas of the body, and while you will have rock hard abs thanks to all those crunches, you still won’t get the definition you want thanks to the belly fat covering them.

To understand why this is, and to find a solution for removing belly fat, you have to realize why we have abdominal fat in the first place. The body stores fat as a reserve, but there are limits to where it can be kept. The stomach provides one of the most available spaces, along with the backside and thighs. However, how your body distributes around these areas is reliant on several factors, including your genes, hormones and diet.



Follow these steps over the next six weeks to increase your body’s ability to burn fat

Week Strategy
1 >> Reduce carbs by half for four days
>> Eliminate carbs from your last meal of the day

2 >> Add two 30-40-minute cardio sessions per week
>> Add 50 g protein and 5-8 g leucine per day

3 >> Add a fat-burner
>> Cut carbs further on one of your low-carb days

4 >> Schedule 40 minutes of medium- to high-intensity cardio postworkout or first thing in the morning

5 >> Have a 500-700-calorie cheat meal on one of your regular-carb days
>> Add 50% more sets to your weight workouts

6 >> Take a three-day break from the entire plan, then start again if needed

lean musle..

The Lean Mass-15 routine is a four-week plan that features a number of advanced training principles designed not just to build muscle, but increase cardio function and burn fat as well. that’s because, with its intense pacing and active rest periods, it’s partly a HIIT cardio routine—just one that also builds muscle.

Yeah, we said it. Eat more fat. “Fat doesn’t make you fat, too much food makes you fat,” says McComsey. Consuming more fat in your diet will actually help curb cravings after you’ve reduced your carb intake. “Fats help curb hunger because it takes the body longer to break down, use or store,” he says. Hormones also play a role, especially when it comes to muscle-supporting testosterone. McComsey adds, "fats are needed to create and balance out hormones in our body to function normally."

Want to get lean, hit the cardio machine. Wrong. “You will not make more muscle this route,” says McComsey. When you do cardio you're burning calories, but you're missing the muscle growth stimulation from weight training. "The more muscle that you have, the more calories and fat you'll be burning," he says. McComsey recommends hitting the weight room 3-4 days per week with one of the days being a circuit style with a variety of exercises. If you need to do cardio, try one day of 20-minutes of fast-slow intervals.